Friday, 15 May 2015


That is the video for my Media A2

Friday, 1 May 2015

A previous video i have filmed.

Here is my video that i have previously filmed in the same studio. As you can see it is more of a freestyle film. As you can see the editing i have done is color correction as i wanted the darker colors to stand out more as i wanted the video to seem like a original freestyle which many artists did start with. Therefore by adding in the darker colors it made my video better because it did not seem like it was overdone more underdone where a instrumental is played and the artist shows their talents on it. 

I also included titles at the beginnings but it seemed to fake and looked unprofessional therefore had the  music begin to play then the video fades from black to the video. Also when the video started to end it faded white to show the audience it is over. 

The sound quality is very good as it was filmed and recorded in a studio so the sound bounced of the wall and created a perfect sound.