Digipacks are a type of CD packaging made out of card stock or other heavy paper/cardboard material. Digipacks can flip open like a book, or it can have three parts, so that one portion of the packaging opens to the right and one to the left, with the CD in the center. It covers the album or single cover so it does not look plain and artists have a choice on what to put on there.

Here is the old digipacks which this album was done in the 2000's, this is very different from the digipacks and album covers that are from today because the old digipacks mostly just have the artist on the background with the name of the album, it was very simple due to the technology being not that advanced and they did not have that much money as the artists of the present. Tupac is posing in a way which it seems like he is thinking, this album has mainly the soul music and doesn't focus on the "gangsta"side of him and this is portrayed by the image and album cover as it is not your usual "gangster" digipack.
This is the same album cover as the 2pac one as it contains the artist being Ice Cube and what ice cube has mostly in his music videos being old school american muscle cars. He is posing like 2pac in his album cover to portray him being a "gangster" as this is what he wants people to think.
This album cover is very recent in 2013 and is done by the artist "The Game" which you can see by the top of the album cover. The album is called "Jesus peice" and this is the opposite of the other two as it doesn't contain the artist and includes a picture of what seems to see jesus with red on as this is the colour of the artists gang being the "bloods" and also jesus is wearing a "jesus peice" so this goes with the album title also. I believe the artist done this as he made a song called "jesus piece" and it was highly viewed and successful so he decided to name is the album title.
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