Friday, 23 January 2015


This is my storyboard, i have wrote the rough description under each picture but will write them in detail on this blogpost as i need to include the camera angles and shots.

1. Title -
2. House scenes - This is the house scene which Kameron lives, it will start off by him putting on a bag and will be a tracking shot, it will be more of a documentary for the first part as he will not talk to the camera it will be more like a normal day going to the studio as i believe when you talk into the camera it will look forced as i have researched into this and figured out the ones that don't look forced look the best.
3. Car scene -
4. Entering Studio - Here kameron will be entering the studio, this again will be a tracking shot but when he opens the door it will flip to the camera being into the studio instead of the camera following him in as this might look amateur.
5. Producer -
6. Raping -

Friday, 16 January 2015

Metallica - Nothing else matters (Mr miche)

This music video is a prime example of the type of music video i want to shoot but is the opposite of the genre of music i want to shoot, this rock music video is shot all in a studio and when they are actually recording the music. This is what i hope to record for my music video but Metallica is a band so they have many different shots on different artists within the band depending on the interments, for example the person playing the drums was filmed on a low angle shot to make him see more important as the song is mostly drums.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Things to do by end of January for planning

Finish storyboard

Add in final picture for digipack

Decide which song out of the two and do blog post on this


My storyboard will be shown to mr miche on Friday 16th of January.

As you can see my music video will be mainly in the studio as i believe not many artists do these types of music videos and it will be different and this will mean more viewers and people recognizing this as it is different. The first slide of my storyboard is the name of the song and the artists name, i will be doing a powerful effect when editing this so it starts out and when it starts to go of the screen then the beat will start.

The 2nd slide is where Kameron will start the first 1/4 of the song, this will mean moving around saying the lyrics which we haven't decided to record while recording the video of him miming in the video. This will involve a lot of different camera angles with the camera moving around also, the next scene will be in a different part of the studio. The other part will be filmed in

Not finshed.....

Monday, 12 January 2015

Shatter effect on photoshop Digipack

I have decided that i will be adding a really noticeable theme on the front of my digipack to make it original an stand out as my research from digipacks have told me that people are more willing to buy a cd or album if it has a noticeable front cover. So i have been watching tutorials to allow me to do the best front cover i can possibly do. I will be either doing a broken glass that has been shot through then have kameron on the front behind the glass or i will be doing a really dark theme picture where it is mostly black with fire or an animal being in the background. This is dependent on the music where we have two songs one being upbeat and one that i wouldn't do the dark theme for the song but then there is more a darker grimey song that a dark theme of fire and all black would go very well with.

Both the songs done need to be edited and produced but both songs will be produced and released but i will pick the one to do a music video on