Here you can see the iconic NWA star Dr Dre on the famous XXL magazines cover. As you can see there is a big picture of him which covers most of the magazines cover. And in big titles it says DR DRE. Also below this they include a rhetorical question being "yes detox is coming" which is the question most people ask when talking about DR DRE so this is an advertisement for his new album. You can see on the picture that he is playing chess, then you can see underneath it says "The master of the board finally returning to the game" This will tell the audience that dont know DR Dre that he is a legend and also tells them he is coming back. For the many that know Dr Dre they know that he is a legend so by calling him a master will not affect people due to them knowing about Dre's past history. The colours are very bold being him in all black with black chess pieces on a grey background so the black really stands out and looks very bold. The writing is in white as then this will stand out because it is on top of the black. The magazine title is bold and at the top of the page being in red and white making it the first thing your eye catches when seeing the magazine and is a very recognisable brand.

Here is the UK artist Skepta from Tottenham. As you can see it is the same sort of feel on the poster showing the artist wearing dark colours on a light background to show himself standing out. Also his facial expression is very similar to Dr Dres being serious, i believe they do this to portray the bad image they have gotten by the media being "bad" or "hood".
I will use both of these images and other magazine research to make my advert.
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