Friday, 19 September 2014

Stuart Hall and Reception Theory

Stuart hall looked at the role of audience positioning in the interpretation of mass media texts by different social groups. He came up with three different ways to read media text.

1. Dominant reading - the reader accepts fully the preferred reading, so the reader will read the text how the author wanted them to read it so it feels natural.

2. Negotiated reading - the reader partly believes the code and accepts the preferred reading, but sometimes modifies the interpretation from the media that reflects their own position, experiences and interest.

3. Oppositional reading - the readers social position places them in an oppositional relation to the dominant code they reflect the reading.

Reception Theory - is the way individuals receive and interpret a media text, it tells us about how the audience would have different interpretations from a text depending on the individual itself, so taking into account gender, age and ethnicity. For example a person aged 16 would read a text differently from a over 21 due to having different thought process and experiences. The ideology messages would be different to both people and they will both have a interpretation of a certain media text.

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